Thursday, December 23, 2010

Only 2...

It's Christmas Eve Eve, and I still don't have all of my shopping done. Don't worry, this is typical. Mike and I thrive on the last-minuteness of it all. Christmas for five kids is a challenge, but the rewards are infinite. We're pitching in with my parents for a basketball hoop for the family...I mean, the kids...I mean, the boys...I mean, for me. :) Who knows, maybe I'll master the layup at 34! It could happen, right?
Its time to get up and do a sweep of the house...make beds, start laundry, vacuum, clean mirrors, sanitize door knobs. When I'm done with that, I'm going to do some baking. I haven't decided what all I'm going to make, but I'm looking forward to getting on a role and being completely domestic today.
Hopefully, I'll have photos and details to share tomorrow...if I remember to share...
Only 2 weeks 'til the boys go back to school!!
I mean, only 2 days 'til Christmas!!!