Saturday, January 5, 2013

4 Down. 173 To Go.

Today, when I weighed myself, I was 191.5 lb.  If you're keeping track with me, that means I've lost 4.9 lbs.  YAHOO!  I've done my almost hour-long workout every day since Tuesday, and I actually feel really good...and am still motivated...AND don't see any reason why I would stop moving in this direction any time soon.  Why are these "lifestyle changes" so difficult for me?  I tend to self-sabotage when I succeed.  In the past, if I've lost 5 lbs, I've decided to make a batch of cookies and then proceed to eat some of the dough AND a few of my brilliant (if I do say so myself) cookies.  Cookies.  Cookies.  I LOVE cookies. 
This time around, things feel different to me.  The large number on the scale is definitely part of it.  I've never been in the 190's when I wasn't 8 months pregnant...So I'm desperate to bring the actual number associated with my size down.  The other difference has to do with the fact that I don't want my kids to know me like this any longer.  I want them to think of me in a healthy way and as a mom who always offers healthy options for them. 
As far as my spiritual health, well, I have to admit that I'm still slacking.  I've learned of some really serious prayer requests since I last wrote, so I have been talking to the Lord, but I still haven't been reading the Word at all.  Something just occurred to me.  With the way I've stopped eating "bad carbs", I should seriously be seeking out the Bread of Life.  I would probably have been so much nicer to my kids while my body has sugar withdrawal. 
So this week - tomorrow is Sunday - I'll add the spiritual disciplines to my physical discipline.  Who knows?  There may be some serious changes in me - inside me, outside of me, and most importantly inside inside me.
Good night.

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